Finding Inspiration 
in 2021

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how strange it's been spending so much time at home this past year? I don't know about you, but I've been feeling a bit uninspired lately. It got me thinking - where does inspiration even come from? And what do we do when it seems to have disappeared? 


I was chatting with some of my students about this recently, and I realized it's a topic that might benefit all of us. 

Personally, after leaving my office job last July and not having many art workshops lined up due to COVID, my brain has been in a bit of a slump. It's like it's gotten lazy after being in the same routine for so long! 


When we think of inspiration, we often picture lightbulb moments or sudden bursts of creativity. But the truth is, inspiration can come from anywhere, at any time. However, if we don't nurture our curiosity and feed our souls, those moments can be few and far between. Without that spark, creating can feel frustrating and boring. 


Throughout history, creative minds have always sought meaning and ways to understand the world around them. It's not about some grand revelation, but rather a personal connection to our own unique worlds. 


Whether you express yourself through art, ceramics, needlecrafts, or any other form of creativity, the key is to stay engaged and open to new ideas. Remember, it's called an art practice for a reason - it takes a lot of practice! 


So, I've put together some ideas to help you reignite your inspiration and keep your creative fire burning bright. Let's dive in and explore some fresh ideas together!

Really look at the world around you

Taking a moment to really soak in your surroundings can be so inspiring. Nature is my go-to for finding that spark, but let me tell you, urban landscapes have their own charm too. It's the little things that catch my eye, like that fern I used to see in Reading town centre. It was just clinging to the brickwork, but it was so beautiful. 


Next time you're out and about, take a closer look at the buildings and trees around you. You might be surprised by the beauty you find in the details. 


We all love snapping photos when we're on vacation, right? But why not capture the beauty of your everyday life too? I mean, most of us have cameras on our phones these days, so why not use them? 

I'm always snapping pics of trees, flowers, sunsets, and cool buildings I stumble upon. I even have a special folder on my computer for all my little treasures. 


Oh, and don't forget to carry a notebook and pencil with you. You never know when inspiration will strike, so jot down your thoughts or make a quick sketch. It's a great way to capture those fleeting moments of creativity. 

So next time you're out and about, take a moment to really see the world around you. You never know what hidden gems you might discover!

Museums and Exhibitions

Exploring museums and art galleries is such a wonderful way to find inspiration, don't you think? 

I absolutely love spending my days in London, wandering through the museums and checking out the exhibitions. 

I always end up with a bunch of photos and sometimes even some cool postcards from the gift shop, which I keep in a special file for later.


Unfortunately, we can't visit these places in person right now, but the good news is that many museums and galleries are offering more online content than ever before. 


You can still enjoy their collections and even check out some online exhibitions. 


Here are some links to a few of my favorites: British Museum, The National Gallery, Tate Britain, The Victoria & Albert Museum, Tate Modern, The Royal Academy, The Ashmolean, Pitt Rivers Museum


Happy exploring!

Keep a Journal of Inspirational Ideas

use a nice journal as a place to keep sketches, clippings from magazines, photos etc, so as you move around your world you are able to draw on things that you've experienced or are yet to explore.

I collect anything that takes my fancy. You never know what will inspire you!


Here are a couple of my journals so you can get an idea..

A Pinterest Account

Ever thought about creating a Pinterest account to save all your amazing ideas and inspirations in one place? It's like having your own virtual vision board! 


I personally love saving tutorials and beautiful pictures from all over the world that catch my eye. It's a great way to keep track of things that spark my interest. Some people on there share fantastic tutorials for us to try out and learn from, which is super cool. 


Just remember to always be respectful of others' ideas. I like to use these tutorials as a starting point to create something unique and personal to me. rather than copying their work.


And let's not forget about YouTube videos - there's a treasure trove of ideas and tutorials waiting to be discovered there too!


Happy creating!

An online art challenge

Have you noticed all the cool challenges popping up on social media lately? 


They're such a fun way to hone your skills and dive into different topics. 


I've come across some where you draw something every day, and others that focus on a new theme each week. 


They're all fantastic ways to spark your imagination and get those creative juices flowing!

Craft/Flea Markets, Antique Stores, Charity Shops & Car Boot Sales

 I'm one of those people who loves digging through what some might call "junk"! 

It's so much fun exploring all the unique and interesting items out there, it really gets my creative juices flowing. 


I'm all about finding new ways to give old things a fresh purpose instead of always buying brand new stuff. 


I enjoy mixing techniques from different sources, which is why I find tutorials super helpful for learning new skills. 

One thing I've learned is that you can't force inspiration. Trust me, I've been there! 

If you're feeling stuck, it's totally okay to take a break. 

Whether it's just a quick breather or a longer hiatus, stepping away can do wonders for your creativity. When you come back, you'll see things with a new perspective and that fresh outlook can lead to some amazing ideas. 

So, don't stress it - take a break and come back feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle whatever comes your way!


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