New Year, Small Goals

How are you all doing as we kick off 2021? 


It's a bit of a relief to wave goodbye to the tough year that was 2020, right? But hey, we're not out of the woods yet with this virus, so let's keep being cautious as we move forward. 


I know it's been a bit of a downer lately, but hang in there - we're almost through it! 

Now that January is here, it's the time when we usually start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. 


We all have the best intentions, but let's be real - those diets are hard to follow long term and gym memberships usually don't end up getting much use! And with the stress and anxiety from last year, it's easy for our positivity to fade by mid-January. 


Sound familiar? It does to me too. 

That's why I've started to take a gentler approach to setting resolutions. 


Let's not overwhelm ourselves with long lists of goals for 2021 - especially with all the extra stress we've been carrying. Let's be kinder to ourselves this year. Taking care of ourselves can be tough but even just 10 minutes a day can make a difference. 


Self-care isn't just about physical health, it's about nourishing our souls too. 

So, here are my top 3 self-care tips - they work for me, but feel free to find what works best for you. 


Let's make 2021 a year of kindness and self-care!

Meditation & Yoga

If you're like me and find it hard to focus during meditation, a guided meditation might be just what you need to unwind and destress. Having a soothing voice gently guide you through the process can really help keep your mind from wandering too much. 


There are tons of apps and websites out there where you can find these kinds of meditations. I suggest starting with a short meditation to get the hang of it, as it does take some practice to sit still and be present.


My current favorite is Dream Big Yoga Nidra from YogaGirl, which involves a full body scan to help you relax (in case you're not familiar with that term, it's basically checking in with each part of your body). 


I like to do this before bed and I find that it helps me sleep better after I've relaxed every muscle. Give it a try and see how it works for you! 


And of course, we don't need to be super fit to enjoy a few yoga stretches. There are plenty of poses we can do to stretch out those tired & tense muscles.


Let me know if you have any questions or need more recommendations. 

Being Outdoors in Nature

I've always found being outside in nature to be super important to me. Even when I was a little kid, I couldn't stand being cooped up inside all day - I needed to get out and breathe in that fresh air! 


There's just something so magical about being alone with your thoughts, surrounded by all those natural sounds. Whether I'm chilling in a lush forest, relaxing on a quiet beach, or hiking up a hill, it's my time to just be me without any interruptions. 


Sure, the past year has thrown some curveballs with all the restrictions in place, but I'm so grateful that we can still go outside for some exercise. It's especially important for me since I don't have any outdoor space at home. 


How long I spend outside really depends on what's happening that day. Sometimes it's just a quick 10-minute stroll around the block, while other times I'm up for a big adventure in the woods. 


If I could, I'd stay out there all day long! And when the weather's nice, I love taking my work to the park with me. It's the perfect way to soak up some sun while still getting stuff done. It's like hitting two birds with one stone!

Drawing & Colouring

Drawing is actually the 3rd part of my daily self-care routine. I don't always have a ton of time for it, since life can get pretty hectic, but I always keep my drawing supplies close by for when I need a little mental break. 


Depending on how much time I have, I'll do a quick doodle or two. My go-to technique at the moment is pointillism - there's something so soothing about creating layers of colorful dots. It's not for everyone, I know, but it really helps me unwind. 


Of course, there are tons of other drawing techniques out there to explore! Feel free to take a peek at some of the projects my students have been working on over the past few years. 

And if you're interested in joining us, don't hesitate to reach out to the Art Journaling for Wellbeing Facebook group. We'd love to have you!

So those are my top 3 daily self-care practices that I swear by. These are the things that I absolutely must do to feel good. 

And guess what? They don't have to be complicated or time-consuming, just things that bring you joy. 


Some other ideas you might want to try include:


  • Baking your favorite cake
  • Making yourself to a nourishing soup 
  • Taking time to savor a cup of tea in your garden
  • You could also write in a journal
  • Pamper yourself with a facial or bubble bath
  • Try a new craft
  • Take a break from your phone
  • Listen to an inspiring podcast
  • Spend some time gardening 


I hope these suggestions help you navigate through 2021 with less stress. 

I can't wait to hear how it goes for you! 

I've also added some more ideas and recipes to the blog Pinterest folder, so feel free to check them out. 

Here's to an amazing 2021 ahead!


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