Sitting With My Feelings

I just wanted to share with you that this week has been a bit of a struggle for me. 


Between the gloomy weather, dealing with my car's MOT, and the usual bills to pay, not to mention the ongoing COVID situation, I've been feeling a bit off. 

It's been tough to stay motivated and keep my stress in check. 


I wasn't sure what to write for this blog post since nothing particularly exciting happened, but I figured I'd be real with you. 

I've been chatting with my students and we're all feeling the weight of 2020. 


So, I've been trying to give myself space to feel my emotions, even when I'm not sure what they are exactly. 

I recently listened to a YogaGirl podcast that really resonated with me. The host, Rachel Brathen, talked about the importance of allowing ourselves to feel ALL our emotions, even the not-so-great ones. 


It's not easy for me to sit with sadness and discomfort, but that's where creativity comes in. 

Keeping my hands busy while my mind processes everything has been really helpful. 


Let's navigate these feelings together, shall we?

So here is my list of ways I sit with my 
feelings whilst keeping myself active -


1 - Drawing.


I love diving into my artwork because it helps me think things through and really focus on what I'm doing. 


Pointillism, doodle drawing and art journalling are my go-to techniques for this.

They're not too absorbing but give my hands something to do whilst calming my brain.

2 - Walking.


I absolutely love going for a walk in the woods . 

There's something about being surrounded by trees that just makes me feel so free and gives me the calm I need to think things through.


I always make sure to bring my sketchbook with me and of course, I can't resist snapping pictures of all the beautiful trees I see along the way. 

And my pockets end up stuffed with leaves, stones, pine cones, you name it! It's my little way of bringing a piece of the woods back home with me.

3 - Sitting in a Coffee Shop.


Just chilling in a coffee shop, taking in the sights and sounds of the world passing by. 


Living solo definitely has its moments, especially with all this lockdown craziness going on. Sometimes I start to feel a bit restless, you know? 


But I've found that just sitting here with a warm drink and my thoughts can really lift my spirits. 

And I can always bring along a craft project to work on if I feel like it! 

It's the little things that make a difference, right? So here's to finding those moments of peace and contentment, wherever we may be. 

Hopefully over the next few days my mood will change and I can get back to doing all the wonderful creative things I love to do.


In the meantime, I would love to know what YOU find useful in your efforts to examine your feelings. Please feel free to post your comments.



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