Brene Brown

The Importance of Vulnerability in our Creative Practice


Hey there, lovely people! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a while since my last blog post, and I apologize for the delay. This year has been a tough one for me, and I'm sure many of you can relate. Covid has really thrown us for a loop, hasn't it? 


I've been taking some time to rest and de-stress, which has given me the opportunity to reflect on my life and where I'm headed. It can be a bit daunting, but it's important to do every now and then, right? 


I've been diving into podcasts lately, and the topic of vulnerability keeps coming up. Shows like Brene Brown's 'Unlocking Us' and YogaGirls' 'Conversations From the Heart' have given me a lot to think about. 


Being vulnerable ties in with being authentic, and that's something I struggle with. I often find myself putting on a perfect facade to make others comfortable, even though it's hard to break that habit. It's funny how we can give great advice to others but struggle to apply that same kindness and self-care to ourselves, isn't it? 


As I've gotten older and done some inner work, I've realized that I sometimes feel lonely and find it hard to let people in. Moving forward, I want to be more open to new opportunities and experiences, while still setting healthy boundaries. 


So, my first goal is to let people in more and embrace new opportunities. This blog post is a step in that direction, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on how I'm doing so far. Creatives like us can be sensitive souls, feeling things deeply. Finding positive outlets for that sensitivity can be a challenge. 


I've been exploring exercises and crafts to help me work on this, and it's fascinating to see how artists have historically embraced vulnerability in their work. Let's continue this conversation and explore ways to channel our sensitivity in a positive light. 


I'm excited to take this journey with you all. Stay tuned for more updates and let's keep the conversation going!


So, if you're looking to become an awesome artist, you've gotta be willing to dive into some pretty uncomfortable emotions. 


It's interesting when you check out those famous pieces of art - self portraits are a prime example of artists really getting real with themselves. 

Unlike those fancy portraits that are all about showing off, self portraits are raw and personal, giving us a glimpse into the artist's true self. It's like they're baring their soul on canvas. 


So, if you're ready to get real with your art, consider giving self portraits a try!

Isn't it fascinating how Rembrandt was so obsessed with painting his own face? 

He created so many self-portraits, really capturing his aging process with those thick strokes of paint. Personally, I find them to be the most captivating of all his works. 


Take a look at this self-portrait here on the right from 1629 when he was just in his early 20s, then compare it to the ones from 1640, 1659, and 1669


You can see how the paint gets thicker and rougher over time, really showing his age and wisdom. It's like he didn't care about looking younger, just wanted to show his true self. 


How many of us would be that brutally honest in our own self-portraits?

Frida Kahlo was an amazing artist who painted herself just as she was, not how society expected her to be. Frida spent a lot of time in bed due to health issues, which limited her subject matter. But you know what? That didn't stop her from creating over 50 self portraits! 

She wasn't afraid to tackle tough topics in her art, like depicting her painful miscarriage in works like 'Henry Ford Hospital (The Flying Bed)' and  her damaged 'The Broken Column'

Frida even captured the ups and downs of her relationship with her husband Diego Rivera in paintings like 'Diego & I' and 'Frida and Diego Rivera'. I find her art so moving because it reflects the challenges she faced with such honesty and courage. Frida's work is truly inspiring!







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