Winter Warmers Special 4


As the weather gets colder, my cravings for comforting, hearty meals kick in and salads just don't cut it anymore (give me mashed potatoes any day!). 

But, I also know it's important to balance out all those carbs (hello, cake and cookies!) with some healthy eats. 


I have a theory that eating a few carrots can totally cancel out the cookie calories - don't you agree? 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 


So, in this post, I want to share some of my go-to seasonal recipes, as well as some I've found online. Let's talk about food that warms the soul, brings joy, and of course, includes some nutritious options to keep us feeling our best during the chilly winter months. 


Let's start from the beginning of the day and work our way through. 

Get ready for a delicious and maybe a bit lengthy blog post - but hey, good food is always worth it, right?

Breakfast / Brunch

Starting my day off right is super important to me! 


I mean, I love my coffee, don't get me wrong, but I need a little something extra to kickstart my morning. 

However, savoury food just doesn't cut it for me early in the morning. That's why my breakfasts always have a sweet twist to them. 


But brunch? Now that's a different story! When I have the time, I love whipping up these two recipes that never fail to hit the spot. Let me share them with you!

They're just so damn delicious and easy to whip up. 

For me, it has to be a big ol' stack of fluffy American-style pancakes. 


Mine may not always look as picture-perfect as the ones you see online, but trust me, they taste amazing! I recently stumbled upon a recipe that makes the fluffiest pancakes ever - seriously, it's a game changer.


And don't worry if you're more familiar with weighing scales than American cup measurements, there are plenty of handy converters online to help you out. 


Personally, I like to drown my pancakes in maple syrup, so I tend to skip the sugar in the batter. But hey, if you've got a sweet tooth, feel free to load 'em up! 


Lately, I've been thinking of tweaking my pancake flavours, maybe adding in some vanilla / almond essence, spices or grated lemon / orange rind.


The beauty of pancakes is that the possibilities are endless - think chocolate chips, chopped nuts, mashed banana, you name it. 


And hey, topping your pancakes with fresh fruit is a sneaky way to sneak in some of your 5 a day. So go on, get flipping and let your imagination run wild!


Huevos Rancheros

Is one of my absolute favorite brunch dishes!


It's a hearty Mexican dish that will keep you satisfied all day long. Picture a delicious tortilla topped with zesty tomato salsa, savory black beans, and perfectly fried eggs. 


And if you add some creamy avocado, a sprinkle of cheese, and a bit of spicy chorizo, it's even more amazing! 


This dish is so filling, it's like a big hug in a bowl. 

Give this simplified recipe a try and enjoy a taste of comfort and warmth in every bite. 

Pumpkin/Butternut Squash or Sweet Potato Soup

I've got a super easy and delicious recipe for you that I love to make. 

First, saute some chopped onions and garlic until they're nice and soft. Then, toss in some chunks of pumpkin, squash or sweet potato and saute them for a few more minutes. 

Next, pour in enough water to cover the squash, sprinkle in some chili flakes and add a stock cube. Let it all simmer until the squash is nice and soft. 


After that, I like to blend it all up until it's smooth and creamy. But if you don't have a blender, no worries - you can just mash it down with a fork or potato masher. 

I usually just eyeball the ingredients based on the size of the squash, so feel free to do the same! 


Lately I've added other ingredients such as tumeric root (chop & add with the onions & garlic) and miso paste just for an extra bit of savoury umami flavour.


Lunchtime tends to get a bit lost in the shuffle, right? 


We're all so busy running around or stuck at our desks that we end up grabbing whatever's quick and easy. 

But let's be real - that can get pricey and not always the healthiest choice. 


I get it, making sandwiches day in and day out can get old fast. 

There are other healthy, hearty & easy options to consider.


Things like soup are easy to batch cook at home. Just whip up a big pot, freeze it in portions, and you're good to go.


Plus, it's super convenient to take to work and heat up in the microwave. So next time you're feeling stuck in a lunch rut,  think about 

Ramen Noodles

How about treating yourself to a yummy bowl of ramen noodles? 


You can customize it with your favorite veggies and protein that you already have in your kitchen.  It's perfect for using up leftovers & goes a long way.


Plus, it's super convenient - just boil some water, add some sauces or miso paste along with your veggies & protein and you have a nutritious meal.


You could even pack all the ingredients and assemble it at work whenever you're ready. 

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled cheese is another of my favorite lunch options! 


It may not be the healthiest, but it's so comforting and delicious.  


I love making it in a panini style, even though I don't have a panini maker. I just butter the outside of the bread, pop it in a heated frying pan, and press it down with a plate. It gets all crispy and gooey - yum!


And you know what? It pairs perfectly with a hot bowl of soup. 


These dark winter nights mean we often crave something comforting for dinner - provided we haven't stuffed our faces too much with breakfast pancakes or grilled cheese!!!


I always try to sneak in lots of veggies into my dinners to make sure I'm getting all the nutrients I need, even if there's a carb or two involved. Let's make these dark nights a little brighter with a delicious and nutritious meal!

Chicken Stew and Herb Dumplings

One of my absolute favorite winter dinners is this chicken and dumplings recipe. I love making a big batch and freezing portions for later. 


I actually stumbled upon this recipe years ago, but I tend to eyeball a lot of my cooking so I don't even remember where I found it! 


Basically, you sauté chopped carrots, celery, onions, and garlic until they're nice and soft, then throw in some parsley and dill. 

Next, add in some shredded chicken - I usually cook up a couple of skinless chicken breasts or thighs, shred them, and toss them in.


Sometimes I even use leftover chicken from another meal. Pour in enough water to cover everything, add a stock cube, and let it simmer until the liquid reduces. 


For the dumplings, I follow the instructions on the suet package, but I like to add extra parsley and dill for some extra flavor. I divide the dumpling mixture into equal portions and plop them on top of the stew. Pop a lid on the pot and let them cook until they puff up and are cooked through. 


Serve yourself a big bowl and dig in! It's so comforting and perfect for when you're feeling under the weather. Plus, it's really good for you! I like to eat this when I'm feeling a bit sniffly to give my immune system a little boost. Enjoy!

Stews in general are like a cozy hug in a bowl! 


For example, instead of just cooking sausages on their own, why not throw them in a pot with some onions, garlic, canned tomatoes, white beans or chickpeas and herbs? You'll get multiple meals out of just a few ingredients! 


And don't worry if you're not into meat - a hearty butternut squash and chickpea stew with some Middle Eastern spices is a winner. Or you could use sweet potato instead.


I recently came across a tomato and halloumi stew (I'm a bit obsessed with halloumi!) that looks absolutely delicious - it's next on my list to try! The best part? 


All these amazing flavours and colours come together in one pot, so clean up is a breeze. Get creative with your stews and never be bored in the kitchen again! 


As much as I'd love to cozy up with flavored coffees and hot chocolate all winter long, it's super important to stay hydrated, especially with the cold weather and indoor heating drying out our skin. 


So, let's raise a glass to staying hydrated and keeping our skin happy this winter! 

Flavoured Water

I recently treated myself to one of those big glass jars with a tap on it, and it's been a game-changer. 


I keep it in the fridge and fill it up with water every day, adding slices of lemon, lime, and even some ginger root for extra flavor. 


You can totally customize it with your favorite fruits to make staying hydrated more enjoyable, especially if you're not a fan of plain water. .

Juice Shots

I absolutely love making juice shots! 


It's such a convenient way to get all those important vitamins and minerals in. I actually discovered a neat trick of using my blender to make them, which is super quick and easy - plus, it saves me from having to clean my juicer every time!


 My go-to juice combo is apple, carrot, and ginger. It's so tasty and refreshing, especially when I'm feeling a bit under the weather. 


The ginger gives it a nice kick that really wakes you up! You can feel the goodness flowing through you right away. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Hot Drinks

 Are you a fellow coffee lover like me? 


Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in a routine of the same old drinks day in and day out. 

Have you ever thought about trying something new and exciting, like flavored teas or fruit teas? There are so many options out there, and most supermarkets have a great selection to choose from! 


Lately, I've been really into Rooibos tea with a hint of vanilla. It's become my go-to instead of the traditional tea. I usually pick up the Dragonfly brand at my local store, but I've also found a similar one by TickTock when it's sold out. 


My friend recently surprised me with some festive flavored loose Rooibos from The Tea House in Covent Garden. The Gingerbread flavor was delicious, but my absolute favorite has to be the Orange Marzipan - it's so festive!

Luckily, you can order them online, so I've been able to stock up on my new favorites. 

Of course, I still enjoy my fair share of coffee throughout the day, but it's nice to mix things up with some tasty and healthy teas every now and then. 

I was thinking about sharing some yummy dessert and baking tips, but I realized that deserves its own blog post! 


I'd love to hear about your favorite winter recipes, so feel free to share them here on the blog.

And if you're looking for some inspiration, check out these ideas on Pinterest!


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